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  The mallard is perhaps the most familiar of all ducks, they are found throughout North America and Eurasia in ponds and parks as well as wild wetlands and estuaries. The male’s gleaming green head, gray flanks, and black tail-curl make it one of the most easily identified ducks. Almost all domestic ducks originate from this species.

In the aviary mallards though actually a wild species behave very much like other domestic ducks do. Males will and often do mate with more than one female. Mallards will readily mate with other species if allowed to opportunity to do so and the large males can injury or even drown females of smaller species. For these reasons keep our mallards separate from our other ornamental ducks.

Mallards do well on open water and fullwinged birds often will stay around much the same of other domestics ducks do.

Though breeding is more common in the spring and summer months mallards (in the aviary) can reproduce just about any time of year. Clutches usually contain about a dozen eggs, which are incubated for 29 days. The ducklings are easy to raise.

Wood ducks for sale

Mallard Lane Farms

Ornamental ducks, swans, pheasants and more......

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